Getting Yourself Acquainted With Codes and Coding


Any person who wishes to partake in software development should understand the breads-and-butters of coding language. Creating qualitative coding procedures will help developers in committing to objectives while minimizing the risk of errors.

But before we proceed, let’s understand first the basic definition of a code. The textbook definition of the term implies that it’s a word, or a collection of alphanumeric symbols that’ll symbolically assign a collective, prominent, and/or suggestive attribute to create a portion or an entire visual representation of an application or program. The information brought by creating lines of code will consist of different elements, such as the following: artifacts, images, videos, customer correspondence, lists, and so much more.

The Relationship Between Coding and Categorizing

To code means to arrange pieces of texts and symbols in a systematic order. In doing so, multiple lines of code will be part of a whole system or classification, or, in this case, a program. In a qualitative data, codes are often applied and then reapplied in different scenarios. Coding is, after all, the process of grouping, regrouping, segregating, and combining to create form and meaning to an explanation. Analyzing code is the process of searching for patterns in pertinent data to create ideas that’ll assist in explaining why the information is there in the first place. Ultimately, coding is referred to a way that enables the organizing and grouping of similar and compatible data into categories that share similar characteristics.

Recoding and Reorganizing

Most of the time, many first-time developers won’t get coding right the first time they try it out. The use of qualitative inquiry through thematic analysis and research demands a significant amount of attention and understanding of the language. Deep reflection to the various pieces of code is also a dire requirement to emerge patterns that’ll allow the generation of a functional visual representation of the program. As an individual codes and recodes, coders can expect their codes to become more refined with time and experience. Perhaps the most obvious factor to consider here is the value of time. There are expert coders that have started coding as early as the 4th or 5th grade. Hence, when they become professionals in the IT industry, they’ve already amassed a significant amount of knowledge in doing a thematic analysis to create fully-functional applications.

From Theory to Codes

Think about creating codes to form a program as a means of producing a product; in other words, you can’t create the item if there’s no theory behind it. Thinking about what the application should and shouldn’t do will be the basis of the underlying codes that’ll help in running the software. Major categories of code are often compared with each other as they’re also organized in different patterns. Some coders even find the entire procedure to make them “transcend reality” because they dive to conceptual, thematic, and theoretical understandings in creating the program.

Codes vs Themes

Using qualitative application development techniques require coders to start by “coding for themes.” The phrase might be a bit misleading because it muddles the definition of coding and themes quite a bit. To understand coding, an understanding of themes should also be present. A theme will be the result of the coding, analytic reflection, and organization of a culmination of processes. Hence, there should be no “coding for themes” phrase that should exist. However, there are ways that software developers can theme their data.

Creating lines of code to produce a program requires an advanced know-how and deep understanding of the basics before a functional application may be produced. Businesses that may not have the luxury of time in learning the ropes of coding may seek the help of a custom software development company instead.