Technology As A Learning Tool


It’s a well-known fact that technology has reformed education globally. Significantly, India is one of the top destinations for education and is known for its high-quality standards in providing education to students of all levels. It’s also exciting to know how technology has been adopted by institutions, educators and students.

Over the years, a lot of things have changed digitally. The era of digitization accompanied by technology has created the need to complete works or tasks quickly and efficiently simultaneously. As a result, technology has hugely impacted education as it transforms the way people learn and consume educational content today.

Technology paved its way into a new beginning of digital classrooms which enables smart screens, projectors, audiovisual content etc. Students these days are also bored with the old school methods of learning and have started adapting to these technology-based learning methodologies. This is due to the fact that we love learning new things by doing it rather than simply reading and listening about it. Also, the students find fun in this process of learning.

By now, it’s very evident that without the growth of the internet, these changes would not have been possible. The significant use of smartphones, laptops, tablets or any other internet-based gadget enables students to learn, research, prepare or even master any field of their educational interests. The ease of access to the internet by anyone has made it possible.

It’s known that India is also one among the top listed countries to have the most number of students studying in and away from a country. So, it’s now obvious that students from schools, colleges, and other institutions can take the maximum benefits from these technologies to learn, strengthen and also to prepare for their institutional and other competitive exams. There are several contents available on the internet for free which can help the students perform better in their assessments and can also improve their abilities in doing better in the future.

For instance, a student from a CBSE background can easily access the CBSE sample papers online for his/her self-assessment to get familiar with the exam pattern and the weightage of questions being asked from each chapter of a particular subject that may be maths, science, social studies or any other. There are several websites and applications available for free on the internet which provide this information for the students. Thus, the main challenge lies in adapting to technology and maximizing the sea of information for one’s purpose.

After ages in advancement and technology hitting young people today, it’s seen that little children watch their favorite cartoon shows and also learn pictorial rhymes using smartphones. And maybe at the same time, a student of class 9 from CBSE background makes use of the CBSE sample papers for class 9 to start preparing for his/her upcoming exams. This is already happening and this shows the power of technology and the internet, making it a powerful tool for learning.

So, if you are still unaware of the use of technology as a learning tool it’s high time that you start exploring for your own benefits as this is very much the need of the hour to learn smartly.