Different types of 3D printing technology

3D printing technology

The trend of using 3D printers is highly increasing in the current scenario. Right from office to home, 3D printers are used everywhere widely without any constraint. Even though the usage of this device is rapidly increasing, many people are not aware of the different types of 3D printers available in the market. Because of this unawareness they tend to choose the one which doesn’t suit their needs to a greater extent. Some of the different types of 3D printing technology are revealed in this article in order to guide the beginners in choosing the best one for their needs.


The Stereolithography printing method is also known as SLA and can be used in the projects where 3D object printing is needed. This kind of printer will be a great dedication for the mechanical engineer. By using this 3D technology they can easily verify whether a part can fit their design to a greater extent. One can also make use of this technology or printer in order to create a prototype of their new project. The best 3D printed object can be extracted from the model by using Stereolithography.

Digital Light Processing

DLP is also similar to that of the SLA 3D printers. This technology was created in the year 1987. And this attained greater popularity in projector production. Digital micro mirror which is placed on a semiconductor chip was used in this technology. The most important thing which is to be remembered is the DLP works with photo polymers. The resolution of this printing technology will be more excellent than they sound to be. When compared to SLA printers, the wastage and cost are considered to be extremely less in DLP printers.

Fused deposition modeling

The FDM technology was developed and implemented in the year 1980. There are many printing companies which has adopted this printing technology in many different names. With the help of technology and printer, the end product, functional prototype and the concept modules can be easily. Hence this will be the ideal option for the people who are engaged in product manufacturing and for the people who are under the field of mechanical engineering. The object will be created in this printer by heating the thermoplastic filament. However, the whole process of this technology is similar to that of the SLA printers.

Selective laser sintering

Solid 3Dobjects will be formed in this printer by making use of the power source. This was invented in the year 1980 and played a major role in the desktop manufacturing. The powdered material will be used in the vat in order to make the 3D materials. And they also no need any support structure.

Apart from these, there are several other 3D printers and they are not only meant for official use but they can also be used in home for personal needs. In order to know about the best printers which can be used in home for personal needs http://3dprintmanual.com can be referred.