How to make yours one of the best converting websites 2018


Did you know that 46.1% of people use a website’s design as the main criteria for determining a company or business’ credibility? This is according to a research done by Stamford University. From this statistic, it is clear that your website’s design contributes immensely to its conversion rate. That being said, for your website to be ranked among the best converting websites 2018, it needs to be both aesthetically pleasing and functional. And given that a whopping 38% of people will leave your website if it is unappealing, your website’s design is something you cannot afford to overlook. So what design elements should you incorporate into your website and which elements should you avoid? Below are some of the design elements to adopt and which to leave.

Minimize choices

Human psychology has taught us that people lose interest quickly when they are presented with many choices. Therefore, to increase your website’s conversion rate limit the number of choices users have. This means avoiding using too many links, especially on the navigation bar. The best thing to do is to have a full-screen welcome homepage. The latter offers users one choice and they have click or scroll to see more choices. The benefit of this kind of homepage is that it has minimal distractions and improves your website’s functionality. Thus, you get the best of both worlds. Overall, the more you can limit the easier your website will be to use.

Avoid rotating picture sliders

Rotating picture sliders have been a staple of web design for many years now. And while putting a slider might seem like a good idea, it is actually not. According to a study conducted by Notre Dame, only 1% of online users interact with rotating picture sliders. The main reason behind this disappointing statistic is the amount of information that is normally crammed on to sliders. This makes it difficult for visitors to consume the information you are trying to feed them. Also, since sliders have moving pictures, the movement of these pictures acts as a distraction. Ultimately, your visitors get so mesmerized by the moving pictures they forget about the content. However, if it is a must for your website to have this kind of slider then make sure it is effective. First, slow down the speeds to give your visitors time to take in the information on each slider. Second, provide prompts to allow visitors to interact with the slider.

Beware of users impatient

It is no secret that online users are an impatient bunch. In fact, a survey conducted by the Aberdeen group revealed that a one-second page load time delay results in a 7% reduction in conversion. To increase your website’s conversion rate, ensure that it loads fast. There are several online tools you can use to check your website’s load speeds. One of the best tools to use is the Google Page Speed Insights. Run your site through this tool to reveal any problems. After identifying problems troubleshoot your website to resolve them. In conclusion, the best converting websites 2018 are those that are always quick to embrace emerging trends in web design.