Which Mobile should I upgrade to?


Mobile phone shopping is never easy. You’re going to be spending a lot of money, so you want to make sure that you make the right choice. But there are just so many choices on the market. Mobile phone technology moves fast, and the market has probably changed a lot since the last time you had to buy a new device. Specs have changed, but those big price tags remain. Today we’re talking about your phone upgrade options, what you should be looking for in an upgrade, where to shop, and what models you should be looking at. If you’re on the hunt for a mobile upgrade, then keep reading to find out all the information you need to make a great decision…

What Should I Look for in a Mobile?

The standard specs on a new average smart phone are quite a bit higher than they were just a couple of years ago. To run the latest software version and take advantage of new games and programmes you’re going to need a certain amount of power. You should be looking for a processor that’s around 1.5 GHz, which should be fast enough to make sure that your phone supports new software. You should also look for RAM of around 1 GB or higher, to make sure that your phone is responsive and doesn’t lag frustratingly or freeze periodically.

When it comes to screen size, you really need a minimum of 4.5 inches. That will be small enough to be comfortably portable, but big enough for a good video experience as well as easy typing on an on screen keyboard. Internal memory specs on standard smart phones are running at around 16 GB, and if you feel that you need more than that, it’s a good idea to look for a model with a Micro SD slot. This will allow you to add a cheap memory card to your phone, and will save you money over buying a phone with a larger internal memory.

Cameras are a pretty standard 8 MP nowadays, so don’t accept anything less than that. That is the size of a rear facing camera, however, front facing cameras average around 1.5 MP. If you can get a phone that meets all these specs then you should have a satisfactory experience with your new model, and will be able to run all the latest programmes.

Where Should I Shop?

Phones are definitely pricey. When it comes to shopping by yourself (i.e. not getting a free or cheap upgrade on a mobile contract), then you’re best off avoiding mobile operators, who tend to have prices slightly above the market average. High street retailers will generally give you better prices, and if you wait for a sale then you’re going to get even better savings. The best bet for getting the lowest prices is to shop online. Even mobile operators offer discounts to online shopping. The overhead costs of online retail are so low when compared to physical retail stores that companies give you discounts to encourage you to shop online. Plus, comparing prices online is far easier too, so you can know that you’re getting the best deal. If you’re going for a new model and want to shop online it’s probably a good idea to go to a physical store and take a look at the phone before buying, just to make sure that it meets your expectations.

iPhone Upgrade Choices…

If you’ve got an iPhone, your best upgrade choices depend on what model you have. If you’re running any of the iPhone 3 series or the regular iPhone 4, then you’ll definitely profit from an upgrade to the new iPhone 5. You’ll get a lot more processing power, as well as a new software version and a bigger screen. If you’ve got the iPhone 4S, the iPhone 5 upgrade probably isn’t worth it, since you won’t get too many new features. You’re better off waiting until the new iPhone is released later this year.

HTC Desire HD or Older HTC Upgrades…

The HTC Desire series, the HTC Desire HD in particular, are an extremely popular series of phones, mostly due to the fact that they’ve got plenty of features for a low price. If you’re running the HTC Desire HD, or an older HTC model, then you’ve got a pretty good phone, but one that’s been on the market for a couple of years now. Your best bet for an upgrade is either going to be the HTC Desire X, which is basically a newer and faster model of the Desire HD, or, if you have a little more money to spend, the HTC One SV. Both of these are solid HTC phones, with the user experience that you’re used to from your older HTC Desire model. You’ll profit from more processing power, bigger screens and a faster mobile, all for very reasonable prices.

Samsung Upgrade Choices…

Running an older Samsung model is probably leaving you a little frustrated, since you’re lacking in solid processing power. Anything older than a Samsung Galaxy S II is going to be ripe for an upgrade. The newest model is the Samsung Galaxy S 4, but that’s going to be too high end (and too expensive) for most customers. Consider getting the Galaxy S III for an upgrade instead. You’ll get plenty of great new features, and a lot more power, for a pretty decent price. You might also want to consider the Galaxy Tab series, for their extra big screens.

Blackberry Upgrades…

Blackberrys really haven’t changed that much over time. You get a little more processing power, but there aren’t huge advantages to upgrading from older models. The exception is the Blackberry Z10. This is a touch screen phone, which is quite unusual for a Blackberry, but you can an awful lot of powers and features for a pretty low price. The new top end Blackberry, the Q10, is a new release and is going to cost you well over five hundred pounds.