How to choose the best online CRM software for your business


The better a business manages the relationships with its customers, the more success it will gain once time passes by. Therefore, there are developed systems that are fully dedicated to solving the problems encountered during the daily interactions with customers. Solving these problems will eventually lead to an increase in the point of view of business popularity. The Customer Relationship Management system is not just a software, but also a strategy to help you better understand you customers, needs and comportments. The next step of this strategy would be building a strong, effective and sustainable relationship between vendors and customers.

It’s more of a business philosophy than an actual technical solution. However, a successful CRM solution implementation also requires a little bit of effort and attention. Choosing the best online CRM software out of thousands of vendors that promote their products could be difficult for someone who doesn’t know how these products actually work in the field of business. This is the main reason why – before deciding to implement any CRM solution – one should gather as much information as possible upon this topic. The question is – what reasons one would have to implement such software?

The main benefits of CRM software:

  • Human memory is limited

The human memory is not capable of the same things that a software is. Keeping ten or twenty clients in your memory might be impressive, but surely not enough. A CRM software can help you organize information about your customers more efficiently than with the help of an employee. Limiting your business by not letting it overcome the problem of memory means a loss in the levels of profit. Avant-garde technology appeared for making your tasks more facile than they were before so you should take advantage of it and use it for gaining success.

  • Emails are always decentralized

You may consider that the email inbox is enough for storing all your customer emails and requests. The truth is that any email platform will not meet a business’ expectations, while any CRM product will do the job. Filtering, searching and reading older emails won’t be enough – you will also need to have full access of the emails from any platform you use with business purposes, meaning that synchronizing quickly is a must. A CRM program will be able to do all that and, in addition, it will place all the necessary information in a central location that can be easily accessed and updated. Nothing will be lost and some of them offer the option to share or not to share specific information with the rest of the team.

  • History is paramount

Looking back and checking certain information about an old customer or an order that hasn’t been respected might help you understand better what’s happening in your firm and make other decisions when needed. Customer Relationship Systems help businesses storing data in a cloud and accessing it in real time (even offline). Every time you are making a call, send an email or even contact a customer to obtain a prospect, you can update the activity status right on the platform.

Best online CRM software vendors:

  • bpm’online

This is one of the CRM vendors that offer a trial before you actually decide to purchase their products. Regarding CRM software, bpm’online offers a fast product, easy to read – meaning that all users can understand what’s happening on the platform – while extremely efficient in automating processes and activities. Visibility is the key word that characterizes their CRM software. Besides that, users can also opt for mobile CRM so they can access the data from a more comfortable device than a PC.

  • SAP

SAP offers solutions from revenue, marketing, commerce, sales and integrated services. Regarding the CRM marketing solutions, SAP promises a unified platform with many options for users to discover and exploit efficiently. CRM marketing tools can be used for segmenting lists, personalizing offers or even deploying cost-effective campaigns. The implementing of their products should be facile and easy. The platform is user-friendly and it doesn’t require knowledge in coding or other IT notions. Also, before deciding to buy the product you can read the stories of other businesses that previously tried it.

Act! is a CRM software vendor that has on the market both Premium and Pro variants of their products. Plus, Cloud storage is optional so in case you want to save some money you can do it if you simply skip this function. Premium versions include Customer Management tools, Sales Automation tools and even Email Marketing with cloud storage. Offline access is possible too for customer data and the upgrades or compatibility updates will be done completely automatic. The email marketing feature has a capacity of up to 500 contacts and it is backed-up by expert technical support or training via video. You won’t have to worry about security either, keeping in mind that Act! performs automatic backups at night and has a recovery function in case data is lost on one of your platforms.

  • Insightly

Requesting a Demo from Insightly will give you a complete image over the effects it has upon any business. Besides the obvious sales acceleration, the CRM software Insightly is offering includes automating the population of social profile meaning that when you are adding a contact to Insightly platform there will be an auto-filling with their social accounts (profile picture, email, phone number etc.) so you can access their info more easily than before. In addition to this feature, Insightly also has a mobile app available for both Android and iOS.

Before making a decision, you should try going through all your business needs and requirements and see what is suitable for your situation. What can work for a certain company might not work for you and vice-versa. Take your time choosing the right products and when the time has come, start slowly implementing them into your system. The change will be substantial and so will be the results.