Significance Of .Net Development


NET may be termed as the most effective choice with regard to development of web / desktop based application. Complex applications are made easier development. Security and fast development are the unique features of this choice. Re-usable library of classes comprising of small components that are helpful for developers in creating applications are involved in .net. This latest trend consists of the development environment that is greatly helpful for rapid and graphic built-up of applications. Lots of articles, books, specialized components, sample code and other different resources are being put for making the transition easier. Candidly, .net is the future of development. It would encapsulate all the operating system functions. Your investment put into .net development would last for prolonged periods in the future.

Benefits – This latest development is beneficial as under:

  • Use of multiple languages – This is a great feature associated with .net that enables the users to make use of multiple languages.
  • Decreased code – Quantity of code is decreased to great extent.
  • Security – The web applications developed in .net are quite secure.
  • WYSIWYG – It facilitates ‘What you see is what you get’ feature.
  • Controls – .Net is able to facilitate server controls and blueprints with the facility of capability.
  • Ease of changes – Any changes under .net development can be affected in easy manners.
  • Independence of language – This most sought after trend is language dependent. The developer chooses the language from more than twenty five .net languages including C#, Jscript, NET Shop, etc in accordance with the specific needs.
  • Horizontal scalability – This is another great benefit of .NET.
  • Unified environment – A unified environment is created allowing the developments for creating programs in C++, Java or Visual Basic.
  • Ease of interface – It helps in interfaces that are easy with Microsoft or Windows.
  • Pre-testing: All the IDEas and tools are pre-tested and ease of their availability in the Microsoft Developer Network is another big benefit associated with .net.
  • Consistency – The UI best practices are more reliable.
  • Language integration – This is quite flawless as the methods from C# to NET can be called in easy manners.
  • Faster execution – Since .net is based on the server side scripting technology, the code is processed on the windows server prior to its display in the web browser. This feature enables the applications to be executed in faster manners than the interpreted scripts that are another big advantage.
  • Better performance – The amount of code required for building large applications is reduced in a big way. It results in easy performance of common tasks from simple form submissions and the client authentications are quite easy. Site configuration is also eased with .net.
  • Power and flexibility – Maintenance and writing of pages is done in easy manners with the source code and HTML. As the source code is executed on the server, hence it facilitates great flexibility and power for the web pages.

The above unique characteristics of .net have made it much popular.