4 Reasons Why Some Web Designs Aren’t Appealing


The reason why you want to put up a website is that you want people to know more about your business and what products or services you offer. Sadly, not all websites succeed in convincing the people to patronise the products featured. There are visitors who click on these sites and after some time, simply decide to leave. If you experience this problem, here are some reasons why your website doesn’t appeal much to them.

  1. Dull website. This means that the colours used don’t look striking. The graphics seem pretty basic. There is nothing new for visitors to see. It is as if they are surfing the web back in the 90s when everything looked quite basic. People are visual by nature. Therefore, you have to appeal to them by improving the aesthetics of your website.
  2. Difficult to load. This happens if you put too much on the website and squeeze everything in. You have huge images, videos, audio, and much more. This makes the site difficult to load. It might even crash often. This is why it is important that you avoid dumping everything there. Otherwise, people won’t visit the site at all. People hate it when it takes a long time just to open a site.
  3. The content seems dry. This means there are only a few essential things for them to read. Perhaps, it is because you only have a list of products and the prices. They also need to know the product descriptions. Some might even be interested to know more about your company and your company’s background. There are others who might be interested in reading some blog posts related to the products you are selling. If they can’t find this information, they will definitely leave.
  4. There is nothing new. People go to websites to learn something new and interesting. If they go there and nothing captures their interest, they will surely leave. You ask them to visit the site because you want them to learn more. If they go there and everything you show has already been published or shown elsewhere, they will be disinterested.

If you experience any of these problems, it is time for change. You might have to hire the best web design Cheltenham offers to help you out. You can’t keep your site running if it isn’t working well for your business. You don’t want to push away all possible customers because you don’t have a good website. With the necessary changes, you can expect more people to visit it or even purchase products right away. You just need to be creative and find a way to appeal to them more.