Learn the Right Way Of Installing Pip on Ubuntu 18.04


There are many ways to install Ubuntu software. You may install these applications from any software center, from the downloaded DEB files, PPA, Snap packages, or using Flatpak, AppImage and from the old source code. There’s one more way of installing software in Ubuntu. It is called Pip also you can use this to install the Python-based applications.

So, what is Pip?

“Pip Installs Packages” or Pip is the command line package management system and used for installing & managing the software written in a Python language. You may use Pip for installing packages that are listed in a Python Package Index or PyPI. Being a software developer, one can use pip software to install different Python packages and module for your own projects. And as an end user, one might need pip to install a few applications developed by using Python and installed easily by using pip. One example is the Stress Terminal application, which you may easily install it with pip. Let us see how to install pip at Ubuntu or other Ubuntu distributions.

Install pip on the Ubuntu Linux

Pip cannot be installed on Ubuntu software by default. You will need to install this manually by installing pip on Ubuntu and it is very simple. Ubuntu 18.04 has Python 2 and 3 installed automatically. Hence, I will show the tutorial I used on managing Pip and you must install pip for Python versions. By default, Pip refers to Python 2 and in Python 3 it is referred as pip3.


In many cases you must make use of pip within the virtual environments. Python Virtual Environments enables you to install the Python modules in any isolated location for the specific project, instead getting installed globally. In this way you don’t need to worry of affecting any other Python projects. You need to know some useful and basic pip commands. In pip we may install packages from the PyPI, local projects, version control, or from distribution files however in many cases you can install the packages from PyPI.

Using Pip command

Now you’ve installed pip, let us see some basic pip commands. The commands can help you use the pip commands for installing, searching, and removing the Python packages. In order, to search the packages from Python Package Index, one can use following pip command:

pip search <search_string>

For instance, if you search, it may show all packages having string ‘stress’ in the name or description.


So, here you can see the tutorial I used on managing Pip to install the Python on Ubuntu by using an apt package manager. Also, we will take you through the essentials of installing & managing the Python packages on pip.